How to prepare your pool for the summer

Snow has melted, your winter coat and hat are tucked in the closet, and the temperature has risen; summer is right around the corner! It’s the perfect time for you, pool owners, to prepare your pool for summer fun. Preparing your pool for summer use can take some time, but don’t fret – follow the below checklist to make sure you cover all your bases.

Our tips for preparing your pool for summer:

1. Clean your pool cover

Before you remove your pool cover, have it cleaned. Remove any debris, dirt, or other items that have accumulated on your pool cover throughout the winter. There is likely water on top of your pool cover from rain or snow – don’t dump this water into your pool, as it’s probably dirty.

If you don’t have a pool cover, check out our wide variety of automatic pool covers that will keep your pool safe and clean.

2. Make sure you have enough water

Replenishing your pool’s water level is usually needed after winter. Add water to reach the middle of your skimmer opening. Don’t completely empty the water in your pool unless it’s absolutely necessary. If your pool is on a high-water table, emptying it and significantly reducing water weight might shift the pool out of the ground.

3. Prep your pump and filter

Clean the filters and empty your skimmer box. Also check that your pump is working properly, and that water is flowing through the filter. We recommend checking for leaks in the piping, which can happen if there was a drainage issue and water freezing in the piping throughout winter.

4. Check the chemicals in your pool

After winter, your pool usually needs some serious cleaning. Check for visible algea, if you spot any, scrub it off, and before you and your loved-ones dive into the pool, be sure that the water is safe and healthy. That’s why we recommend doing a comprehensive test of your pool’s chemistry. There are several kits you can buy to do this. You should be testing:

  • Alkalinity (80-120 ppm)
  • PH (7.2- 7.6)
  • Calcium hardness (150 – 250 ppm)
  • Chlorine (1.0 – 3.0 ppm)
  • Cyanuric acid (30 – 50 ppm)
  • Algaecide (30 – 50 ppm)

If any levels are off, treat your pool with the appropriate chemical to reach the desired level.

5. Run your Dolphin

Bring your Dolphin robotic pool cleaner out from winter hibernation and get it working! We recommend letting the Dolphin run several times in the pool after the chemical testing and correction from step 4.

6. Don’t forget safety

Before you officially open your pool for business in the summer, do an overhaul of your pool’s safety measures. Make sure your pool alarm is working and that the safety gates around your pool are in proper working order. Use this opportunity to check your first aid kit and flotation devices and replace any old, expired, or damaged items. If you don’t have a pool alarm, you should seriously consider investing in one as you open your pool for summer use. Check out our selection of automatic pool covers innovative alarms that will help you sleep better.

7. Take a look around your pool

Don’t forget to take a look around your pool and prepare the surrounding area, trim unruly plants or hedges, wash off your pool’s perimeter, and remove any items that might be a safety hazard.

8. Renew your gear

Did your deck chairs and umbrellas survive the winter? If not, be sure to replace them prior to opening your pool.

9. Think about maintenance

Once summer starts and your pool becomes the headquarters for fun, you’ll need to maintain your pool and keep it ready for use. Regularly test your pool’s chemicals and run your Dolphin robotic pool cleaner frequently to keep the water clean and safe for swimming, make sure your filter is clean and cover the pool when it’s not in use as a safety precaution and to avoid water evaporation.