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What are the handles and floats on my Dolphin for?

If your Dolphin robot comes with an adjustable handle, the handle can be adjusted to the following configurations. This will influence how the robot advances along the waterline and cleans.

For a deeper clean advance - One side of the handle can be set on the second or third notch and the second end of the handle can be set on the second or third notch (diagonally). For example, put the left side of the handle on the second notch, and the right side of the handle on the third notch.

With the handle setting on a slight diagonal, the robot will cover less surface area before it goes back down, but it will scrub the waterline longer. This handle setting is good for a deeper clean.

For a faster advance - One side of the handle can be set on the first notch or second notch and the second end of the handle can be set on the first or second notch from the opposite side. For example, put the left side of the handle on the fourth notch, and the right side of the handle on the first notch.

With the handle setting on a diagonal, the robot will move faster along the waterline and will cover more surface area, but it won't spend as much time scrubbing the waterline. This handle setting is good for faster cleaning.

Click here to read more in the user manual of your specific robot model.

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