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My Dolphin's cable is twisted

The first step we recommend is taking the robot out of the pool and stretching the cable out in the sun for at least 3 hours to get the kinks and twists out.

Once you've done that, to make sure you keep the cable free of tangles, we recommend keeping the water temperature over 59F or 15C, and verify that the pool chemicals are within our recommended usage range:

Most importantly – don't use too much cable! If your Dolphin has a Swivel, and especially if it doesn't, it is very important to measure out the right amount of cable you need.

To do that, measure out the same length of cable as the longest length in your pool. That's the amount of cable your robot needs to allow it to cover the pool and help avoid tangles. Make sure the power supply is centered at the longest length of the pool for better performance.

It's important to make sure the cable is wound correctly after each use.

We recommend that you also check that nothing is obstructing the Dolphin wheels or tracks as this could cause the Dolphin to spin in circles and twist the cable. Click here to see how to clean the tracks.

Contact us here if you need further assistance.

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