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How do I connect to the MyDolphin Skimmi app?

The app is compatible with the following smart devices:

Apple (iOS) – Version 10 and up – iPhone, iPad

Android – Version 5 and up operating system

Here are the steps to get connected!

1. Agree to Maytronics Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Tap to read them.

2. Ensure Bluetooth® is active on your smartphone.

3. Tap the pencil icon to name your skimmer.

4. Select your newly named Skimmi.

5. Rotate the front wheel of the skimmer to pair it with the phone. This initiates the pairing process between the robot and your smartphone.

6. Tap "Start Clean" on the app home screen. The default settings will start cleaning your pool, will optimize energy usage for nighttime operation, and ensure maximum battery efficiency.

7. To stop cleaning, simply tap "Stop Clean" on the app.

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